Dr. Evelyn Simiyu

University Education Information

  • B.Ed, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • BA ( Linguistics), Kenyatta University

 Area of specialization: Phonology.

Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

Papers Published In Peer-Refereed Journals

Etakwa, E. Akidah, M. & Mukhwana, A. (2018).Resolving Hiatus in Olutura. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 23, Issue 7, Ver. 7 (July. 2018) PP 66-74 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.     www.iosrjournals.org

Etakwa, E. & Mmbwanga, F. (2018). The Role of Culture in Communication. Machakos University 1st Annual International Conference, Machakos University Hotel and Conference Centre, 17th – 19th April 2018.

Mmbwanga, F. & Etakwa, E. (2018). Effect of culture on Language used in Communication Technology by University Students. Machakos University 1st Annual International Conference, Machakos University Hotel and Conference Centre, 17th – 19th April 2018.

Etakwa, E. Akidah, M. & Mukhwana, A. (2018). The Functions of Olutura Sounds. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, http://saspjournals.com/sjahss-62/

Etakwa, E. & Mmbwanga, F. (2018). The Structure of Olunyala(K). International Mother Language Day, University of Nairobi, 21st February 2018.

Etakwa, E. (2017). The Syllable Structures of Olunyala (K). International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 7. July 2017, www.theijhss.com

Etakwa, E.& Mmbwanga,F. ( 2016). The Sheng Identity and Influence on Academic Endevours. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Invention, Vol 2 Issue 5. July 2016.

Etakwa, E.& Mmbwanga,F. ( 2016). The Sheng Identity, Cultural Background and influence on Communication in Academic Endeavours,  Academic communication Competence in the Industry and Academy”, Strathmore University, 19th-20th May 2016

Etakwa, E. Shivachi, C. & Ong’onda N. (2015). The Olunyala (K) Syllable Onset.International Journal of Scientific Research and Publications, Vol 5 Issue 11. November 2015.


2019    Participant, Machakos University 2nd Annual International Conference, Machakos University Hotel and Conference Centre, 24th to 26th April, 2019.

2018    Participant, School of Humanities and Social Sciences Workshop on Curriculum Review, Machakos University Hotel and Conference Centre, 21st June 2018.

2018    Participant, Sheng Workshop, IAS, Kenyatta University, 19th – 20th June 2018.

2017    Participant, School of Humanities Curriculum Development Workshop, Machakos University Hotel, 9th June 2017

 2016   Participant, Research and Innovation Workshop, Le Technisch Hotel, 15th-16th

December 2016.

2016    Participant, Workshop on Tone in African Languages, Kenyatta University, 16th-17th May 2016

2016    Participant, International Mother Language Day 2016, University of Nairobi, Kenya 23rd– 25th February 2016.

2010    Participant, International Conference on Multilingualism, Kenyatta University, Kenya, July 22nd – 23rd 2010.

2009    Participant, the First Kenyatta University Research Conference- 23th– 28rd April 2009.

2009    Facilitator, Development Partners in Higher Education Workshop, Kenyatta University – 2nd to 3rd March 2009.

2007    Member of the organizing committee on Integration of HIV and AIDS in the teaching of science and engineering programmes  workshop, Utalii Hotel, 4th April 2007. Also one of the trio that prepared the final report to the sponsors, AWSE.

2007    Member of the School of Pure and Applied Sciences organizing committee of the HIV and AIDS workshop , 8th November 2007.

Facilitator, workshop on Intellectual Property Rights for the School of Pure and applied Sciences, Hotel Kunste, Nakuru.  Prepared the resulting document.

2005-2014 Facilitator, Bi-annual Postgraduate Seminar for the School of Pure and Applied    Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya- 2005 to 2014

Public Service & Volunteer Work

2017-Founder, Souls of Miriam Education Child Foundation- helping needy children achieve education.

2006-2015- Auditor, SGS, ISO- AUDITING Kenyatta University internal systems

2005- to date- Member, B.O.G  Githunguri High School and Chair B.O.G. Academic Committee

– Preparation and review of the School Strategic Plan

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